872 Hotels, 120,935 Rooms(As of February 14th, 2025)


1 - When and where can I get my receipt?

You can get your receipt at the front desk when checking-in. Besides, you can print out an online receipt when prepaid online. For further information, please contact us via telephone or email in advance.

2 - When will I be charged?

Room rates are to be paid in advance when checking-in. Various payment methods are available at APA Hotels including cash, credit card, mobile payment and e-money.

Front Desk

1 - When is the check-in/check-out?

Check-in: 3:00 p.m.~
Check-out: ~10:00 a.m.
For early check-in/late check-out, there will be an additional charge of 1,000 yen per hour (the fee may vary depending on hotels). Please note that we may not be able to guarantee your requests for various factors.

2 - Are there any extra charges for co-sleeping?

There are no extra charges for children of six years and younger. However, fees may be applied if additional amenities are to be required.

3 - Are there any Internet services within the hotel?

Free Wi-Fi connection and wired LAN connection services are available within the hotel. Please refer to the Wi-Fi ID and password stated on the TV screen in your room when using it.

4 - Can you keep our baggage till check-in/after check-out?

Your baggage can be kept for free on the day of your check-in/check-out (we recommend you to keep your valuables with you). Please note that items that need to be refrigerated cannot be kept at the front desk.

5 - Are parking lots available?

Parking lots are on a first-come, first-served basis. If all spaces are occupied, please use a paid-parking lot nearby. Outside parking lot charges may differ from APA Hotel parking lots.

6 - Are there free amenities in hotel rooms?

Each room is equipped with toothbrushes, tooth pastes, razors, combs, shampoo, conditioner, body soap, nightwears, toilet seats with warm shower/bidet functions, refrigerators, VOD (Video-On-Demand service), thick and rich duvets, Large LCD TVs, electric kettles and more!

7 - Can I enjoy my stay with my pet?

Pets are not allowed in the hotel with the exception of guide dogs (pet-friendly/dog-friendly rooms are equipped in some hotels).

8 - Is it ok to ship from the hotel?

Yes. However, we do not accept shipments that are paid on delivery or from refrigerated courier services. Please fill out your name and the date of your stay on the delivery slip.

9 - Can I watch English TV programs in hotel rooms?

BBC World News and NHK WORLD JAPAN are available for free in every room.


1 - For guests who did not receive their confirmation email from APA Hotels

You may not be able to receive confirmation emails depending on your domain’s mail routing settings. Please contact the hotel directly if further help is needed.

2 - For guests who are late for their check-in

Please contact the hotel if you will be late more than 2 hours, or if your check in is after midnight. There is a possibility that your reservation will be canceled, if we cannot hear from you beforehand.

3 - Where are the best rates for APA Hotels?

Book on apahotel.com to get the guaranteed Best-Available-Rates at all APA Hotels!